宋陸羽 X 皮寬 | Song LuYu PeaQuin

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計- 宋陸羽 X 皮寬

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計- 宋陸羽 X 皮寬 產品型錄設計

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計 – 宋陸羽 X 皮寬 產品包裝設計

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計 – 宋陸羽 X 皮寬 產品包裝設計

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計 – 宋陸羽 X 皮寬 產品包裝設計

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計 – 宋陸羽 X 皮寬 產品包裝設計

華奧博岩 品牌產品包裝 設計 – 宋陸羽 X 皮寬 產品包裝設計
2017 德國 IF 包裝設計獎
Song LuYu tea inherited the tea spirit of Song Dynasty. This time, the brand cooperates with the authorized original Taiwanese brand PeaQuin on packaging to inspire creativity between tradition and modernity. They are soaked in the tea soup surrounded by Taiwan’s special scenery. The healing hand-drawn style breaks away from traditional tea bag packaging. The design brings a friendly feeling to consumers. Packaging structure is different from the previous tea tin can model. We use the carton with a half-open drawer like a teapot to take out the tea bags which is more convenient in use. Further, it can be reused to enhance the environmental benefits of packaging. This packaging design later won the German IF packaging design award in 2017.
● 公司名稱:佛山宋陸羽茶業有限公司
● 品牌名稱:宋陸羽 X 皮寬
● 品牌類別:食品業
● 佛山市南海區大瀝鎮鹽步鹽秀路1號新海岸大樓後面廠房自編5號之二
● TEL:0757-85723565
● WEB: http://songluyutea.com/index.php