大麗和和珠寶 | Grand Beauty
凝翠於心 ‧ 和和於情 Collect by Generation ‧ Design by Heart

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶

華奧博岩 品牌識別系統 建構 – 大麗和和珠寶
The brand name GRAND BEAUTY represents stability, harmony and indifference. It also coincides with the characteristics of jade itself. GRAND BEAUTY was established in 2011 on the shores of the West Lake in Hangzhou, China. The brand creates fashion jewelry items to express individuality while both maintaining Chinese tradition and pursuing innovation. Not only create unique corporate characteristics of the brand, at the same time, we also use illustrations to outline the beauty of the West Lake as an auxiliary graphic to show the local characteristics of Hangzhou. The design allows consumers to strongly feel the classic beauty of the brand will go International.
● 公司名稱:杭州和和珠寶有限公司
● 品牌名稱:大麗和和珠寶
● 品牌類別:休閒業、文旅業、珠寶業
● 中國浙江杭州市上城區四宜路19號