織造生活,恆轉不惜 Weave a Beautiful Life.
「元」代表創始、品牌企業的開始,「亨」代表萬事亨通、蓬勃發展之意象。品牌英文命名為「AIM Textiles」,「AIM」有目標、遠景之意,「Textiles」則是紡織品的意思,品牌標誌設計將企業名稱「元」的意念以圓形表現,賦予萬事圓融的寓意,中心點的方塊則期許企業經營能夠四面亨通,並將紡織業特色產品「紡紗軸」與「針織」意象融入其中,期許一針一線織造出的優質產品能溫暖所有客戶的心,為台灣的針織產業盡一份力量,打造〝MADE IN TAIWAN 〞的頂尖產品!
AIM Textiles has been established for 25 years. It started with knitted leather and magic gloves. Later, it gradually increased the popularity of the five finger socks, socks, scarves, hats and other items.
“Yuan” stands for the founding and the beginning of the brand enterprise, and Heng stands for the image of prosperity and prosperity. The English name “AIM Textiles” “AIM” represents the goal and vision, “Textiles” means textiles, the brand logo expresses the idea of the company name “Yuan” in a circle, and it has the meaning of everything. The dotted box hopes that the enterprise can be prosperous on all sides, and incorporates the unique concepts of “spinning shaft” and “knitting “in the textile industry, hoping to weave high-quality products one by one thread to warm the hearts of customers and knit for Taiwan. The industry is doing its best to confidently create “MADE IN TAIWAN” products!
● 公司名稱:元亨精紡工業股份有限公司
● 品牌名稱:元亨精紡
● 品牌類別:製造業
● 彰化縣永靖鄉瑚璉村東興路212號
● TEL:048-228281